Saturday, March 12, 2011

Life is like an echo. What you send out comes back ~ Zig Ziglar

Daylight Savings Time? Really? Just what are we saving? Sure feels like I've lost an hour of sleep. Gonna need a healthy dose of Java and Jersey Shore tomorrow...

So, I was thinking about the destruction in Japan. A hundred years ago what would an earthquake destoy? Virtually nothing. The wagon path to your house? Because everything is constructed with concrete and steel, the devastation is severe. Japan will never look like it did a week ago. In the blink of an eye, it's all gone. They will rebuild, because it's human nature. They will lay down more concrete and erect more steel where it once was, but it will never be the same. 

Life goes on...

It is good that I can still see the beauty in every day even when I am not chemically inclined to do so. I love my kids so much. I watch them every day and marvel in the people that they have become. Once I held them in my arms, helpless and small, and now they are strong and sure, hardly in need of protecting, making decisions and becoming people right in front of my eyes.

Caitlyn says things that almost knock me off my chair. Her vocabulary is, well...intense. She is a mini-me.

Wyatt is a loving soul even though he doesn't want anyone to know, (don't tell him I spilled the beans). He is a conundrum. He is sweet and onery at the same time. Bipolar? Nah...

Cassidy will see that these years are the ones she will always remember. She should make the most of them because when she tells her children what life was like growing up, these are the stories she will have to tell them.

Colby makes me proud to call myself "Mom". I was "Mom" too soon and was not nearly prepared but the little boy and young man he has become have given me a sense of accomplishment that nothing else in life will even compare to.

I have done good...

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