Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty. ~ Unknown

Daddy and Daughter

My dad is my hero...

I can remember all the stories he told me, and they still make me laugh (even though i've heard them dozen times or more). He was sooo cool! All the neighbor kids were scared of him and I'm sure Grandma Brack thought he was a giant bully, but I loved him, more than words can say...

His job took him away from home a lot when I was little. It didn't make me sad, I just missed him while he was gone and cherished the time we had when he was home. I have always been proud of what my dad has done for a living, but I wouldn't have cared if he worked down at the 7-11.

When my parents divorced, my dad "went where the work was" which was usually California.   We didn't see him very often when he lived out of state. My mom eventually remarried but to me, my dad was irreplaceable. No one else would ever be my "dad". 

My dad remarried and had my little brother Cole. He had a second family but I never felt replaced. He wasn't always there and he didn't always call but I never doubted his love for us.

Now I am older and have a family of my own. Sometimes life is busy and it's hard to find time to talk. Sometimes a few days go by, sometimes a week. Life is short, and time flies by in the blink of an eye. Maybe one day my best friend won't be a phone call away...whether he calls me or I call him...I want to share exciting news with him or cry to him when I am in trouble, and I can't imagine having that kind of bond with anyone else.

I gotta go...I haven't talked to my dad in a few days so I'm gonna give him a call :)

P.S. Being a parent is life's most difficult undertaking. If you don't believe me, you haven't tried it. I had no training. If there was a class being taught somewhere, no one told me about it. I plugged my nose, closed my eyes tight, and jumped in the deep end head-first. 

I didn't always do things right but if you were to ask my kids, they wouldn't know it. All they know is that their momma is their biggest fan. She is there when they fall down and when they succeed. I don't know any other way...

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